вторник, 10 января 2017 г.

Set Time Zone for the mailbox with Powershell

Open Powershell As Administrator and connect to Office365  

Set Time Zone for a Mailbox:

Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration <Identity> -TimeZone <"Time Zone"> 


Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration yourmailbox -TimeZone "Pacific Standard Time" 

Set Time Zone + Language for a Mailbox:

Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration <Identity> -TimeZone <"Time Zone"> Language <Language Code> 


Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration yourmailbox -TimeZone "Pacific Standard Time" Language en-US  

Display information about Time Zone and Language for a specific user:

Get-MailboxRegionalConfiguration <Identity> 


Get-MailboxRegionalConfiguration yourmailbox

Display Time zone and Language settings for all users:

$Users = Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited -Filter {(RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'UserMailbox')} $Users | Get-MailboxRegionalConfiguration  

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